Monday, August 8, 2011

Git R Done

A little over a week ago, Danny & I had a free Friday night so we decided to paint our room. Well we got started on the painting and were on a roll, so we decided to be extra ambitious and assemble our bed (which had been sitting in a box in our condo for a couple of weeks at that point) that evening as well.

We figured we would rather stay up late and do it than wake up early to finish the project. Staying up late ended up being til 3:30 in the morning. Luckily, we had nothing til Saturday evening and we slept until around noon the next day.

It feels nice to have our room painted and a bed frame instead of just having our bed chilling on the floor. The Sunday after that we worked as a team and assembled our dressers. So now our room is looking a lot more like a room and a lot less like a garage sale. I am planning on adding some embellishments but I'm liking the look so far.




Danny enjoying the finished project. Now if only we can keep it that clean & stop moving stuff from other rooms in there.


  1. That definitely looks like a Mullen room! I love it!

  2. I told Emily that even if I didn't read this on your blog I would have know that it is your room. I love it!

  3. Love the bedspread, but only 7 pillows? I've known women to easily double that number.

    BTW, does the frame fit your box spring or your mattress? j/c
